Lost in the Noise: Why Real Conversations Matter More Than Ever

Cut through the chaos and rediscover the power of genuine dialogue.

Kateria Wynn
8 min readSep 16, 2024
Photo by yang miao on Unsplash

Ah, where to begin?

Conversations today, my dear reader, have become about as thrilling as watching a turtle race — one shell of an opinion versus another, inching toward the finish line of “agree” or “disagree” with all the excitement of soggy toast.

Photo by Pieter van Noorden on Unsplash

It’s like folks are no longer interested in taking ideas out for a spin or a slow dance.

Nope, we’re skipping right to “You’re either with me or against me” faster than you can say “Facebook comment section.”

And social media? Oh, don’t get me started.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Social media has turned communication into a boxing match where the gloves are off, and the insults are flying.

Everyone’s favorite weapon? The comment thread.

Instead of sharing perspectives, it’s just verbal jabs back and forth.

Photo by ManuelTheLensman on Unsplash

So many people hold themselves back from truly expressing who they are because they know what’s coming — the tidal wave of opinions, approvals, and, oh yes, those downright vicious “disagreers.”

You know the ones I’m talking about.

Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

The keyboard warriors who think their disagreement is the mic drop the world’s been waiting for.

The reality is, disagreeing is often just a fancy way to project unresolved psychological wounds onto the unsuspecting passerby.

Photo by Samantha Green on Unsplash

Half the time when someone snaps, “You’re wrong!” what they really mean is, “I have unresolved childhood trauma, and your perspective is hitting me right in the feels!”

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

But here’s the thing: ideas aren’t meant to be agreed or disagreed with.

No, ideas are meant to be danced with. Twirled, dipped, and spun until we’re dizzy with new possibilities.

Think of it as a cosmic tango with thoughts — graceful, messy, and a little dangerous.

Photo by Ardian Lumi on Unsplash

Energy can’t be created or destroyed — Physics 101.

So, darling, all ideas have the right to exist because they already do, and they’re not going anywhere.

Let that marinate.

Photo by Christian Dubovan on Unsplash

So instead of battling over whose idea should reign supreme or be obliterated, let’s level the playing field and ask, “Which one does the most good? Which one brings more harmony to the world?”

Look, perspectives are like puzzle pieces.

You might have a corner piece, and I might have a bit of sky, but neither of us can see the full picture.

Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash

Looks like we’re gonna have to dive headfirst into the wild world of real communication if we want to make sense of this human puzzle!

It’s like trying to watch a movie through a keyhole.

You’re only going to get a tiny glimpse, maybe a flash of dialogue, or the silhouette of something juicy, but you’re missing most of the action.

So why not build the capacity to appreciate another person’s view, however small or incomplete it might be?

Conversations, when done right, are like beautifully chaotic potluck dinners where everyone brings their best dish.

Photo by City Church Christchurch on Unsplash

Some are spicy, some are sweet, but together, it’s a full-on feast!

Our realities and personal truths are our own. They’re our stories to tell as we see fit, and no one has the authority to rewrite them for us.

But here’s the plot twist: Someone else’s truth? Also valid.

That’s right, baby — everyone’s reality is true for them. Shocking, I know.

We all crave the comfort of our own perspective reigning supreme, but life gets spicy when we dare to taste something unfamiliar.

Too often, we shy away from perspectives we don’t understand, but that’s where the magic happens.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

So let’s stop with the nonsense.

Stop trying to prove who’s right and who’s wrong.

Instead, go look in the mirror and repeat after me: “Everyone is right, including me.”

Say it louder for the people in the back!

Because what you fear, what you run from, are ideas that challenge your worldview.

And if you’re honest with yourself, it’s not the ideas that scare you — it’s the possibility there’s more to life than what you’ve experienced or know intimately.

Photo by Daniele La Rosa Messina on Unsplash

It’s the fear of stepping beyond your comfort zone, and that fear is valid.

But here’s the kicker: the more you open yourself up to others’ experiences, the more you’ll feel the collective rage bubbling up — not at each other, but at the real source of our dysfunctional communication — the system that’s been pulling the strings all along.

You see, society has strategically wired us to communicate in ways that are both destructive and disconnected.

The way we’ve been conditioned to dismiss or demonize anyone with a different experience? Outrageous! Insulting!

It’s a slap in the face to the very core of our human essence.

Photo by Lucas Gouvêa on Unsplash

The way we’ve been taught to communicate — this right-or-wrong, black-and-white nonsense — has stripped us of our personal sovereignty, responsibility, and agency as people living on this planet, with the power to shape the best experiences for ourselves and others, today.

We’ve become so disconnected from our own truths, numbed by systems that thrive on sowing seeds of death, that we’ve handed over our power to whoever’s making the most noise.

We’ve been taught to think in terms of right or wrong, like or dislike, when we should be focused on honoring the diverse experiences each of us brings to the table.

Shared experiences can be a comfort, sure, but what’s really transformative is when we learn to honor what’s uncomfortable — what’s different.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

So, enough of this hierarchical nonsense! No one’s ideas hold more weight than anyone else’s.

Newsflash: this isn’t the earth party we signed up for — it’s the one we were trained, like dogs, to wag our tails and salivate over.

And don’t even get me started on the political circus. I mean, really.

The assassination attempts of character, soul, and intellect in the name of politics in the U.S.?

Photo by Meadow Marie on Unsplash

Honestly, it’s beyond dehumanizing.

And no, this isn’t an endorsement of any particular figure — this is about basic human decency.

You don’t have to see eye to eye with someone to respect their right to think for themselves.

I’m not saying Donald Trump is the beacon of eloquent discourse — far from it.

But do his ideas deserve to be explored?


The presidential debates felt more like a comedy roast than an actual discussion.

Are they still proving who’s right and who’s wrong?


Photo by Debashis RC Biswas on Unsplash

That’s not dialogue. That’s destruction. To our society. To our humanity.

You want real power? It’s in growth, and that happens when we’re willing to sit down, listen, and get uncomfortable.

I’m 31 years young, and I lost brain cells watching two so-called “leaders” decades my senior, bash each other like schoolyard bullies instead of having a real conversation.

I learned early in my life maturity isn’t tied to age — it’s about intentional growth and personal evolution.

If we want to create something meaningful, we need to drop the circus act and have authentic conversations where everyone gets a seat at the table.

Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

And what a table it is.

In my world, everyone feasts. There’s more than enough for all of us, and no one’s going to go hungry.

We don’t need to fight for resources, and we sure as hell don’t need to fight to be seen, heard, or respected.

Welcome to Conscious Commentary — where perspectives are danced with, not destroyed.

I’m Kateria Wynn, your hostess and the heart and brain behind this wild concept.

I specialize in digital marketing and am building a personal brand that’s raw, real, and ready to grow out loud.

Photo by Daniel Öberg on Unsplash

I’m not an expert yet — still earning my stripes — but don’t worry — I’m coming for the title.

And for those ready to dive deeper into their truth, let’s get real together.

Conscious Commentary is about courage, creativity, community, connection, communion — oh, and don’t forget cash! (Who doesn’t love that?).

Yes, all the C’s!

This little seed was planted back in 2017 when I finally stopped playing around and got serious about writing and my passion for the world of communication.

Photo by Charles Etoroma on Unsplash

I’ve been quietly nurturing this bad boy for almost 8 years, and I’ve got big dreams — think media empire levels.

This is just the beginning.

Let’s dig deep, unlock our collective truth, and tap into that joy, power, abundance, freedom, and yes, the money that’s already ours.

It’s our birthright, after all. We’ve been distracted long enough.

So buckle up, look yourself in the eyes, and say “I love you,” because it’s about to get real up in here.

What if there was a spot where every worldview was treated like gold and worth digging into? Oh yeah, it’s happening!

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Kateria Wynn
Kateria Wynn

Written by Kateria Wynn

Magnetic dialogue with tension, dangerous allure, and electric chemistry, crafting moments that seduce, provoke, and leave a lasting mark.

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