Absolutely! I truly appreciate your voice in this conversation. I’m mindful that I can only speak from my own perspective and don’t claim to have all the answers, but my hope is to spark real, healthy discussions around this.
I hear you, and I’m grateful for the perspective you’ve offered—another piece to chew on as we navigate our journeys as women. I’m especially thankful that you highlighted the financial aspect, which, honestly, I don’t hear about much in my world.
Marriage has always been tied to "love" in my experience, and I feel it often misleads women who aren't fully informed or prepared for what being in a contractual relationship with a man, within the context of our society, really entails.
I’m glad to hear you’ve been able to benefit from the structure of marriage and thrive within it. Now, that's a win! It’s important for all of us to stay grounded in reality rather than getting swept up in fairy tales.
Assets, financial ties, and the ability to legally support one another in life-altering situations are valid and healthy reasons to enter into marriage, and I fully support that. And you’ve fully vetted this man and he’s shown who he really is over time. This is key! Thank you for sharing your truth! Wishing you both the very best on your journey.🌹